Attorney Mary M. Ferriter Presents at the Fiftieth Anniversary Conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts “Riding the Wave of the Future: Global Voices, Expanding Choices”

Attorney Mary M. Ferriter presented at the Fiftieth Anniversary Conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) “Riding the Wave of the Future: Global Voices, Expanding Choices” in Los Angeles, California May 28 – June 1, 2013. The workshop entitled “The Nexus of Psychological Testing and Parenting” was presented in a panel discussion together with Senior Family Court Judge the Honorable R. John Harper, of Toronto, Onterio, Canada, Attorney Alexander Jones, and Dr. David Medoff of Massachusetts. The focus of the workshop was to discuss the relevance and utility of psychological testing on parental functioning and the legal strategies for the use and/or avoidance of such testing in child custody evaluations.